CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS allows a programmer to provide the style to the programmer in an easy way. CSS is for designing the HTML tags.CSS is a style sheet language whose main role is to describe the look and formatting of a document written in markup language. For changing the style and user interface, this language gets used with HTML. You can also use this language with the XML documents such as XML, SVG, and XUL. CSS is very established languages so you can hire freelancers for this language easily.

CSS covers the style rules that are interpreted using the browser and then apply to the particular elements in your document. The style rule of the CSS has three parts.

  • Selector: Selector is also known as HTML tag in which you apply the style. The selector is an any HTML tag such as <h1> or <table>.
  • Property: The type of the attribute of the HTML tag is known as property. The property may be color or border.
  • Value: values are for the properties. The color property has value either black or #000000 etc. Value describes ‘which or how’ part of the property.


selector {property: value}

There are multiple properties but we’ll try to cover the most commonly used ones here:

CSS Font:

Following are the font properties in CSS.

  • For changing the face of the font, the font-family property is there.
  • For making the font italic or oblique, the font style property is available.
  • For creating a small caps effect, the font-variant property is there.
  • For decreasing or increasing bold or light a font, the property is font-weight.
  • For increasing or decreasing the size of font the font size property is handy.
  • For specifying the number of other font properties, the font property is there in CSS.

CSS Text:

Following are the text properties in CSS. You can find multiple freelance services to work on CSS.

  • For setting the color of the text, you have the color property.
  • For setting the direction of the text, the property is the direction.
  • To add or subtract space between the letters the letter spacing property is there.
  • For adding the space between the words of a sentence, the word spacing property is easy.
  • To indent the text of a paragraph the text-indent property is there as the name suggests.
  • For aligning the text of the document, the text-align property is handy.
  • To underline, over line and strikethrough the text-decoration property is of great help.
  • To set the text shadow around the text, you have the text-shadow property.
  • Control the flow and formatting of the text with the white-space property.

Following is the example of setting the color of text.





<p style=”color:blue;”>

This text will be written in blue.


<p style=”word-spacing: 3px;”>

This text is having space between words.


<p style=”text-indent:2cm;”>

This text will have the first line indented by 2cm, and this line will remain at its actual position, and all is done using the CSS indent property.




CSS Image:

In any WebPages, images play an important role. You can hire freelancers for this language easily

  • For setting the border of the image, there is border property.
  • For setting the height of the image, there is height property.
  • For setting the width of the image, you have the width property.
  • For setting the opacity of an image the –moz-opacity property is there.

CSS Margin:

For defining the space around the elements, the CSS margin property gets used. Margin property is transparent and doesn’t have any color and clears the area around the element.

  • For setting all properties in one declaration, there is margin property.
  • For setting the left margin of the element, the property name is ‘left property.’
  • For setting the right margin of an element, there is right margin property.
  • For setting the top margin of the element the margin, a top property is there.
  • For setting the bottom of the margin, the margin-bottom property is there.

CSS Interface:

CSS offers many user interface features such as resizing the elements, outlines, and box-sizing. You can easily find freelance service for the CSS programming language.

  • Appearance property allows users to make an element as user interface elements.
  • Box-sizing property allows users to fix an element on an area in a clear way.
  • Icon property is to provide the icon on an area.
  • Outline-offset property is for setting the space between an outline and the edge or border of an element.


This article describes the CSS tutorial and various properties. This tutorial gives complete knowledge of the basic and advanced topic of CSS. This tutorial is useful for those developers who want to work with CSS programming language.

Kitty Gupta