Apple is currently moved from the objective C to Swift that has cheered for a native runtime environment and its simplicity. X code is making very easy to build up of software with Swift programming for Apple devices. In these post freelance jobs, you would like to be focusing on the Swift programming book that is made for the development of iOS. Titles are ranging from the beginner’s concept to advanced topics, but you have tried to whittle up on the absolute best swift books for studying the development of swift.

If you are getting swift programming book for the development of iOS, then you may overwhelm by this list. If you had to choose an absolute best swift programming book for beginners, then this list is highly recommended for swift programming. It’s comes everything as you want to get begin with a quality of practical demo as well as a tutorial. Guide to the swift programming book is covered in all related topics that help beginners understand all concepts for the real world projects.

Top swift programming books:

  1. Learning swift: Newer O Reilly book has incredible and impressed with a high-quality level. Learning swift book is an introduction part guide that is made for OS X and iOS development. Programmers are moving from objective C and Cocoa that one should not have any problem to select up this swift language. It is definitely unique language, but anyone is easy to learn with less time and patience. Currently, the swift 2.3 is more popular but the developers are moving quickly to swift 3. Learning swift book offers guidance and pushing towards at the right direction to learn for beginners.
  2. Swift essentials: Alex Blewitt is the author of this book. It is one of the excellent swift programming books for newbies. This book is currently available in the second edition. Swift essentials are going to detailed information about the fundamentals of swift programming language and how to operate. The newer is updated all contents that are explained in a swift two plus with innovative features and a new device like Apple Watch. If you want to get begun with a swift programming language, then this book is an excellent guide for beginners. There are many complex exercises and its essential titles in which means it gears towards the absolute beginners. A writing style is very easy to comprehend and gets to speed up everything as you want to know.
  3. Swift programming – The big Nerd Ranch guide: Mathew Mathias and John Gallagher are the authors of this book. The authors writing style are really great to understand with many complex topics. Content is detailed but the programming language is extremely basic. You begin with an X code for learning and a raw basic of swift such as functions, variables and if as well as else logic. The post freelance jobs have basically 0 prior to coding experience and learning a swift programming language with this book. It contains fantastic exercise and then the authors have really covered all topics about the swift programming in their right ways. If you are not interested, to begin with, swift programming, then you cannot go in a wrong way with this guide. It will set on the right path for teaching on how to write their swift code properly.
  4. Swift in 24 hours: Sams teach you is one of the best series for beginners to choose a new language. This book is mainly focused on the swift language that is removed the unnecessary cluster. Swift in 24 hours book is made up an aspiring swift programmer. It cannot be covered for the development of iOS in a great detailed manner. It will also teach you for absolute swift language fundamentals. X code is making a big appearance as a primary IDE for the development of swift. The freelance work is guided you via X code playground, which teaches on how to understand swift code as well as how to write swift code. The applications cannot exactly relate to the iOS development. If you have not prior to gain knowledge, then this book gets to move fast with the swift programming language. But it really delves into the development of iOS and you will want another title such as iOS 9 application developments essential to be combined with one this book.
  5. Swift 3 functional programming: Faith Nayebl is the author of this book. It is targeted only at beginners to intermediate level of this book. This title for all programmers, who have already to know about the basic of swift programming and need to learn more information about the functional of swift programming methodology. Currently, swift 3 is the newest swift version that has released along with the side of iOS 10. It is expected to top an incredibly popular and updating swift programming language to make it very easy for developers to build up a quality of an iOS application. This book is covered to more detailed topics such as map function and pattern matching like that flat map filter. You will learn on how to apply functional programming on the top of object oriented programming language and to write a solid code of swift for every project. You do not need any expert to understand this swift 3 book, but you need to know basic of swift programming and access to their swift 3 dev environment.


If you are an iPhone application developer, who is looking and getting in depth of knowledge about the swift programming. The freelance work is referred to any source for free and gets some need information about the swift as well as starts to make your own application. Above mentioned books are the best swift programming books in the world. These books help to those interested readers for learning Swift. You can start with basic of swift that is always recommended to the guides of swift nerd ranch or swift essentials. Both the titles are friendly to beginners. They will teach their fundamentals of swift language regarding how to use it. All other intermediates to advanced book list give leg on the industry and if you want reference guide, then consider these books that will prove invaluable in 2017 as swift 3 gained popularity.

Kitty Gupta