Prolog is a language of logic, declarative programming, and all-purpose computers associated with artificial intelligence and linguistics. It is widely used in research and training for the processing of natural language. You should hire freelancers online to help you today.

AutoReturn is one of the most distinctive Prolog resources. It is a way of searching, fundamental to all techniques of artificial intelligence. Prolog also supports multidirectional argumentation; the arguments in a method may be, in particular, inputs and outputs of various paths in various procedure calls. Another essential feature of the prolog is that its syntax and semantics is closer to the formal logic Lisp. Try and get freelance services online to help.

The prolog is generally considered a difficult language to master. The purpose of this article is to choose some of the best books voters Prologue help developers master the language and develop a deep understanding of recursion, programming and testing logical constraints problem tree. All books are available for free download.

To suit every taste, we choose a good selection of books. All texts accompany our strongest recommendation. So remember (and lower).

  1. Logic Programming and Prolog (2ed)

The main focus of the logic programming and Prolog is a unified to both the foundations of logic programming and simple programming techniques in Prolog programming language functions.

Chapters include:

Before the start: contains a summary of the basic concepts of logic in general. In this chapter, concepts related to the modeling and testing of the theory of predicate logic, including terms such as language interpretation, model, logical consequence, logical inference, correctness, and completeness. The last section introduces the concept of substitution

  • Programs ultimate logic – it has limited language programs defined and discussed to limit the theoretical implications of the language model
  • SLD Resolution: describes the operational semantics defined by programs
  • Negation in logic programming – discusses the use of negation in logic programming. Enter the reject rule defined to implement the rejection in most Prolog systems and also provides a logical reasoning rule that extends the user program with additional axioms
  • For Prolog: Cutting and Arithmetic Cut is introduced as a mechanism to reduce the overhead of Prolog calculations. Chapters also include the use of arithmetic in predicates in Prolog and provides a logical explanation for them
  • Logic and databases – describes logic programming from the database view
  • Programming with recursive data structures – defining technical in recursive data structures define relationships, especially in the lists
  • Amalgamator object and meta-language – introduces the concept of the meta-language object and shows how to use logic programs to describe the resolution SLD. The chapter also contains some built-in predicates (controversial) in most Prolog implementations. You may hire freelancers
  • Logic and expert systems – shows how to extend an interpreter from the previous chapter on a single expert system shell
  • Logic and grammar – show how to describe grammars in Prolog from grammars without context. Classes are considered as main languages. The chapter then introduced the concept of grammars defined clauses (DCG) often describing natural and artificial languages ​in Prolog
  • Search space status – shows simple search problems in state transition graph solving techniques and some difficulty is inherently associated with such problems
  • Logical programming and contest – describes a class of languages ​​that generally call logical programming languages ​​simultaneously
  • EqualLogic Programs – discusses an approach to the integration of functional programming logic programming based on the use of equations
  • Constraint logic programming – refers to the use of restraint devices in logic programming
  1. Simply logic – reasoning, for example, Intelligent

The electronic query in deductive databases – refers to the application of logical programming constraints. Described-semantic structure

It only makes sense – intelligent argument for the purpose of introducing the reader to the many subjects – logic, artificial intelligence and programming. This is a book on intelligent reasoning. The reason is to pull the process according to the claims; Intelligent argument for this type of people to think about.

The last part of the book contains a series of new extensions of logic, most of which were previously available only in newspapers and magazine articles.


  • Logic and programmable logic – an introduction to the basic concepts of the application of logic programming as a response to requests clauses and recursive data structures of test trees
  • Classical logic and resolution: the basic concepts of theorists – such as Herbrand and ADR models and meta-theoretical concepts of endurance and integrity. The presentation begins propositional logical clause, and continues until the completion of the logical relation point (without functor) logical clausal and finally specifies a logical component reaches
  • Logic Programming and Prelog – discussed in the practical configuration toolbox, a summary of the concept of SLD-tree shapes, defined arithmetic instructions Proto setof a number of programming techniques, such as drums and to describe the differences. Get freelance services to provide you help.
  • They are made of knowledge – there are several ways to represent Prologue knowledge structures
  • Reported Search – Find the best first full version of the first investigation and the search algorithm is not exhaustive, call out informed strategies that can occur in finding the best way to reduce the size of the agenda
  • Justification natural language
  • Justification Incomplete information
  • Inductive reasoning
  1. Structure of expert systems in Prolog

The development of expert systems in Prolog

A prolog specialist specialized in systems or experiments focused on different systems of technical specialists for the construction industry.

The author chooses a gradual approach to building systems, concepts, and Prolog Ik Oden programs explain each step. The book is based on a simple boot system and go for relatively sophisticated expert system tools. No, it stresses building logic or Prolog programming technique but stresses the prolog as an effective tool for developing tools and learning how expert systems and design tools. It is recommended (but not required) that the experiment gave the browser some examples of Prolog in this book and read the prolog of the interpreter.


  • Introduction
  • Prolog Motor Infertility: Motor chain inference regression installed that can be used in part for some expert systems
  • Back Ring Consistency with Uncertainty – Describes an expert system called box, which supports the back connection uncertainty
  • Notes – An important aspect of expert systems is the ability to explain their behavior
  • Direct routing: This is a specialist system for routing applications and rules based. This shows the direct works system connection, how to use it and how to deploy quickly and easily to form Prologue
  • Frames – Code Sections, Data Structure, Predicates Treatment, and Frame Usage
  • Integration – covering funny (and oops frames), room configuration, and a test drive
  • Performance – Describes different indexing can be used to accelerate this pattern recognition process.
  • User Interface – The interface window, object-oriented interface developers for Windows, top-level application of the window, and running the low window level
  • Two hybrids – describes two similar specialized systems developed in the Cullin software, IBM’s mainframe software developer, cultivated and computer First, CVGEN defines the system generation parameters (System) for building time. System implementation. The second AIJMP set all the parameters that have performed an automated installation procedure
  • Prototyping – Prolog is a powerful tool for prototype applications
  • Rubik’s Cube – describes a Prolog program that solves Rubik’s cube. The program shows a lot of knowledge about technical problems in building specialized systems
Kitty Gupta