
Freelance researcher,…

  • From Kenya
  • Member Since Mar 24, 2021
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Freelance researcher, writer

By the glory of the Almighty father, i am one of the sellers at fiverr. I am an excellent article writer, blogger, SEO writer and copy writer, proofreader with an experience editing writing at all levels. I would love to help you with your writing projects. Not just the spelling, grammar and syntax, but also ensuring that your ideas and "big pictures" are being communicated effectively. I can write prudently in American, UK and Canadian English. I am reliable and friendly, and will always complete your project on time and in a professional way. Don't mind to add to your favorites.


  • Website Design
  • Copywriting
  • Proofreading
  • Blog
  • Articles
  • Finance


  • Degree Content Marketing
  • Year 2020 - 2020
  • College Name United States International University , Kenya


  • Job Profile Article Writer
  • Year January,2019 - Present
  • Company Freelancer Kenya


Writing Services.